Contents|安藤忠雄 作品展
Publication date|1992/6/10_7/13

After launching his architectural career in the early seventies, Tadao Ando quickly came to the fore with Row House (Azuma House), Sumiyoshi, a startling debut-piece in which he created a unique personal microcosm. Ando’s subsequent works have invariably ar isen from meditation on a given architectural problem’s intrinsic starting point, and have been accompanied by his discerning criticism of contemporary culture.

Amid an architectural world ruled by economic rational ism, Tadao Ando has revived inquiry into the relationships that bind architecture and people, architecture and nature, and people and nature, while offering new ideas, capable of rousing the human spirit.Since the Azuma House, Ando’s progress has gathered power through the eighties and nineties, and is currently unfurling into an international dimension as we approach the twenty-first century.

This exhibition broadly examines the course of his development in three segments: “Thresholds of Creative Development in Past Works,” “Projects Currently Underway,” and “Projects That Look to the Future.” Through his creativity and immense energy, Ando realizes a breadth of conception encompassing, not just Japan in this century, but the path into the twenty-first century.

引用|TADAO ANDO Beyond Horizons in Architecture 安藤忠雄建築展 新たなる地平に向けて ― 人間と自然と建築