#0034 Le Corbusier HOUSES|ル・コルビュジエの全住宅

Le Corbusier




Author|東京大学工学部建築学科 安藤忠雄研究室


Publication date|2001/04/20_2022/06/05(7)






This project began with a model of the Villa Savoye unexpectedly produced by a student Who was a fan of Le Corbusier, as part of his research. The student then wanted to carry on with Le Corbusier’s other housing projects. To make the most of this huge undertaking, we proposed this exhibition at Gallery MA on the condition that all of the houses would be modeled.

The goal was to follow the processes of thought and design apparent in the development of Le Corbusier’s works, whether they had been built or not. The number of houses designed by Le Corbusier, including those built before the “white period”, is said to be over one hundred. Once we started, there were many unexpected discoveries and surprises, as most of the publications on Le Corbusier include only a selection of his work. By carefully studying the completed models in the chronological order of their design, we were able to discern the spirit of the great master, fighting and struggling at the dawn of the Modern age.

For the students, living in our information-flooded society, this must have been a new experience. Seeing them enthusiastically making the models, I recalled the days in my twenties when I was deeply involved in the architecture of Le Corbusier, tracing his drawings and making models. At that time, Le Corbusier was for me someone far beyond mere admiration.

引用|ル・コルビュジエの全住宅 Le Corbusier HOUSES

